Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I'm a good person. Deal with it.

I am an atheist.
I'm okay with that.
But it seems that no one else is.

More often than not when I tell people that I'm an atheist (usually after they know me for a long time), they will say something to the effect of, "I don't think you're really an atheist" or, "just wait until you get a little more life experience." Well, folks. Guess what? I'm really an atheist. I do not believe in gods, single or multiple. I don't worry about where my soul is going after I die, I don't wonder why I have a soul, I understand how evolution works (most people really don't....I mean REALLY don't), I don't need fear of hell or a god's wrath to make me be good person, and I don't need someone on a pulpit with a book telling me how to live my life.

And I'm a perfectly happy, prosperous, healthy and well-bearded person.

Now let's get a few things straight:

I don't give shit if you're religious. It doesn't bother me at all. Just don't expect me to bend over backwards to fit in line with your definition of what is right. You wouldn't do the same for me, I'm sure. And I don't expect you to. 

I don't want to make you an atheist. There are some atheists who do. Most of us don't. And for the record, I think Richard Dawkins is a giant windbag. Great biologist. Horrible spokesman for atheism. 

You can pray for me if you want. It will only make you feel better, not me.

I think children should be allowed to think for themselves rather than be forced to go to church. 

I don't want to have a debate about evolution vs. creation or theism vs. atheism. It's fucking pointless. Nothing I can say will make you question your doctrine nothing you can say will make me believe anything. Go have a coke and smile and leave me alone. 

Being a bluegrass musician, this is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of folks. It seems (more so now than ever) you are expected to be a Christian republican if you are anywhere near bluegrass. Being neither, I am usually expected to shut up and fall in line (which the Christian republicans would never do if the situation were reversed). I can't do that sometimes. And because of it, I'm afraid that I won't be able to get work. Honestly. This post should cause some fun times.

At the end of the day, I just want to be a good person. And I want you to be a good person. That means treating everyone with respect and love, regardless of their beliefs. You don't have to convert them or judge them or wonder if they are going to any version or heaven or hell. You just need to be nice.

Be nice.

I'm a bluegrass atheist.

And I'm okay with that.


  1. OK, I'll be nice. What a cookie?

  2. YES. Even though I made some tonight. Oatmeal cherry. Yum.

  3. "And I want you to be a good person. That means treating everyone with respect and love, regardless of their beliefs."

    That's what (people say) Jesus said, but it's not actually a good message.

    If some believes you should have great harm come to you (even if you yourself don't believe that such harm is even possible) that is not someone you need to love. I do not want you to love that person. I want you to get away from them quickly, and permanently.

    If you have a disability, and are being mocked by someone who believes it is a sign of divine judgment against you, you don't need to respect that person. Respect is earned, and lost. I want you to lose respect for that person.

  4. I'm not saying do respect and love blindly. That is stupid and I definitely don't do that. But I always go into a potential relationship with openness and understanding rather than hatred and a feeling of superiority.
